Gazipur eight-year-old boy was killed after being raped. After the assassination of his body was thrown into a septic tank. The house nex...
Rahman not only in Bangladesh, one of the world threaten the batsmen. The Tigers, who plays for
A suspect has been arrested after he approached a White House security checkpoint with a firearm on Friday afternoon.
At least 63 people were killed in three bomb attacks in Baghdad and more than 100 people were injured.
I n India , there are so many child in New Delhi . They do not have any food . shelter or anyone to love. There life is really badl...
Critics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's president, Joseph Kabila, fear his attempts to cling
Republican Party nomination to run for President of the United States, Donald Trump has criticized
The world's oldest person morano Emma said, her longevity secret 'single' to live long . Born on November 9, 1899 perhaps ...
Binabhote win the election in the history of Bangladesh Union Parishad polls this year have been breaking all records. Was elected chai...
Their own kind of democracy in countries like Iraq and Libya, the Western powers have criticized Pope Francis tried to export. In this ...
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